We hide behind masks to protect ourselves from the judgements of others. We work hard to put on a brave face, so people don’t see the truth behind the facade. Especially in our society where people seem to equate anything less that happiness as a crime. When we are brave enough to let our guard down and show people the truth of who we are the accuse of playing games with them or tell us to stop being so negative. We are surrounded by those who belittle us for simply being our true and authentic selves because they are too afraid to let others see they are hurting too.
But why do we do this to each other? Why can’t we all simply learn to treat each other with kindness and compassion instead of constantly tearing one another down.
Over time those negative messages we receive from others start to creep into our minds. Soon the words of others transform how we see ourselves, eroding away our self-worth. The masks we once wore to protect ourselves now seem to become distorted and when we look in the mirror we no longer see who we truly are. Instead we see the monstrous creations our distorted thoughts have formed in our minds looking back at us. And our self-image continues to deteriorate leaving us with feelings worthlessness and despair.
How could anyone love someone who looks this way? Why can’t I simply be happy like everyone else around me? What is wrong with me?
And the cycle continues until we learn to take off our masks and learn to accept the scars and imperfections because they are part of what makes us who we are. Realizing that we need to communicate with each other and ask questions instead of making snap judgements based off our own perceptions. To understand that while we may believe we know what others are thinking or feeling, we really don’t. To have the courage to see past our own perceptions and opinions and attempt to understand things from another view whether we agree with it or not.