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Monday, May 27, 2019

Organized Chaos

Some days it's hard to pinpoint what exactly I'm thinking or feeling.  It can be really frustrating trying to sift through the chaotic landscape of my jumbled thoughts and create some sense of order.  But one of the truly amazing things about art is that it can help with that.  While photography is my main focus there are times I like to explore other art mediums as well.  

The image below is an example of something I created a few years ago when I was having a hard time sorting out all the different thoughts and emotions that were swirling around inside my head. My original intent was to write out a poem similar to the two I posted earlier this week but I was struggling to organize the chaos.  After multiple attempts and several crumbled pieces of paper I was ready to give up.  Instead I had the idea of just writing out all of the words as they came into my mind.  Then I took the list and found the common letters and worked out a way to organize them into a crossword pattern.  It provided me a way focus my thoughts and helped to create a sense of order that help ease some of the distress I was experiencing.  This is the only one I have created so far but it is great tool I have in my "wellness toolbox" that I can pull out in the future when I need to help find a way to organize the chaos.

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