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Monday, August 5, 2019

Creating SMART goals with IMPACT

 The idea of S.M.A.R.T. goals was first introduced in 1981 by George T. Doran as tool to writing goals out with the purpose of increasing the chances of completing them. 

      S- Specific:  It is important to be specific with what you want to achieve.  When we create goals that our too broad it makes it more difficult to focus on what we are trying to work on.  Think about using the 5-W's (Who, What, Where, When, Why) when creating your goals.  For example: Who will be able to assist you with different aspects of your goal? Where you will be working on the goal or using a specific event as a deadline? What is it that you are trying to accomplish? When would you like to accomplish this by (which will be covered more in the T- Time Sensitive section) Why do you want to work on this goal?

    M- Measurable: This allows you to have a defined metrics that can be used to determine whether or not you have achieved your goal. It also provides a tangible method to gauge your progress and allows you the opportunity to break down larger goals into smaller chunks with easily definable milestones which allow you to celebrate smaller successes as you work toward a larger achievement.

     A- Achievable: This is important because the purpose of setting goals to work toward accomplishing what you set out to do.  While you want to challenge yourself, you also want to make sure the goals you set are achievable.  Goals should be used as a way to motivate you to step outside of your comfort zone and grow.  If you don't feel that you currently possess the tools/skills needed to achieve your goals think about how you can develop them.

     R- Relevant:  Focus your goals on something that is relevant to you.  Whether you are creating a professional goal or a personal goal it is important to make sure that you are invested in achieving the goals you make for yourself.  We make time for the things in life that we care about.  Whereas we make excuses and find ways to avoid the doing things we don't care about or simply don’t want to do.  The key is to shift your perspective. Instead of looking at it is something you "HAVE" to do, flip it around and make it something you "GET" to do instead.  Making your goals are relevant helps to keep you motived to see it through, especially through the rough spots.

     T- Time Bound: It's important to ensure you give yourself a deadline to work toward.  When we set goals without a deadline it makes it a lot easier to push them to the side to work on other things instead.  This greatly reduces the likelihood of achieving your goals.  Giving your goals a deadline creates a sense of urgency but it’s important to ensure that the deadline is achievable.  If you're working on a larger goal, break it into smaller chunks and provide a deadline for those as well.  This will serve as a way to give the sense of urgency but at the same time make it a more manageable goal and increase your chances of succeeding.

Using the S.M.A.R.T. system is a great way to create and stay focused on achieving the goals you’ve set for yourself.  But there is a way to take it to the next step and create goals that are not only S.M.A.R.T. but also have IMPACT.

I first introduced the concept of creating goals with IMPACT in 2015 when I attended WHAM (Whole Health Action Management) training.  
I- Improve: When you’re creating a goal it’s important to think about how it’s going to improve your situation.  By understanding and recognizing how your goals will improve some aspect of your life you will be more likely to stick with it.

M- Measurable: Similar to above, making your goal measurable provides both you and your support system a way to determine what progress has been made toward accomplishing the goal you have created for yourself.

P- Positively stated: Focusing your goals on creating something new in your life as opposed to something removing something makes it easier to stay motivated.  For example, instead: “I want to lose X pounds” you were to create a goal that stated, “I want to start running again.”  

A- Achievable: One of the key elements to creating effective goals is ensure they are achievable.  You want to push yourself outside of your comfort zone in order to grow, but if you want to careful not to make goals that are not obtainable.  When you create your goals gauge your confidence scale of being able to complete it. If you score less than 7/10 examine the goal and find a way to restate to create a goal that is achievable.  

C- Call forth actions: By creating goals that are relevant to your life you are more likely to stay motivated to accomplish those goals.  A call to action provides you with the method you plan to take to ensure you follow through the goals you have set.

T- Time limited: Deadlines provide a sense of urgency and increase the motivation to complete those goals.  But it is also important to create a start time as well.  By providing yourself with a specific date you will start working toward your goal it reduces the temptation to push it to the side.  

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