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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Breaking Point

I recently had the opportunity to be the "Target Speaker" at a Toastmasters Area Evaluation Contest and decided to record it so I could share it with others.  It's a speech topic I've spoken on before and one that is very near and dear to me... suicide prevention.

"Breaking Point - October 2019"

The truly excited and amazing part though was being able to see the evolution from where I started with close to 3 years ago and see how much I've grown as a speaker.  For those who are interested here is the version I presented back in February 2017:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Trash Can

In August, I had the opportunity to facilitate the "Reframing Your Perspective" workshop at the St. Simmons for the Annual GMHCN Summer Conference.  While I was there I found myself engaged in a conversation about how our filters are developed at a young but overtime can change.  In an effort to help explain what I was I talking about I used a trash can as visual aid to help illustrate my point.  From that random conversation the speech entitled, "Trash Can" was born:

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The last few months have been interesting to say the least.  There have been some really amazing things that have happened.  I presented/facilitated the "Reframing Your Perspective" workshop I have been developing for over two years at the System of Care Academy in June and again at the GMHCN Summer Conference in August and received positive feedback from both.  In September, the "Fighting the Darkness" event was relatively successful even though the attendance was much lower than we had hoped for I again got positive feedback from the people who attended.